Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Comment and questions

The first movie, The Big Sleep left me wondering one question. How did the leading actor know where all those guns were in the cars? It looked like everyone carried guns with them. I had a hard time following the story line, but I liked the movie. It had its humorous parts, but not as much as the next movie.

In the Philadelphia Story, I wondered if Katherine Hepburn liked being called a goddess. Why did Conner or Jimmy Stewart call her a goddess at the end? It seemed like two men fighting over one woman and the one she was supposed to marry didn't fight for her. I thought the beginning was strange because Tracy was just pushed her over and then she broke one of her husbands golf clubs. We are used to seeing bigger fights. I think the movie also could have been called, Love makes you do crazy things. I believe Cary Grant who played Dexter never stopped loving his wife and that is why they got married at the end.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to comment on The Philadelphia Story but find nothing posted. So I'm leaving my comment here.
    Dexter, Grant's character never stopped loving Hepburn's character which is why he showed up. He knew that she needed to experience human fraility because she was so perfect and everyone else was supposed to be perfect. She wanted to loved, not as a godess but as a person. Jimmy Stewart's character put her on a pedstal even though he had great passion for her he still would view her as a godess. Dexter did not view her that way and after her fall from grace she realized Dexter loved her in the way she wanted.
